This article on future visioning of schools that just appeared in Mindshift is perfectly timed for Tuesday's second meeting on ISHCMC's Principles of Learning. It raises questions about what school's should be teaching in the future and what and how students learn. On Tuesday you will read through research created Principles of Learning, decide which fit us best and create a short list that we will work with and eventually turn into ISHCMC's Learning Principles.
This exert from the article challenges some of our traditional thinking on learning, some of which we are already doing in our programmes.
"A group of progressive educators at the Educon conference discussed other qualities that successful future citizens will need and that a good education should offer. A successful student should be able to manage massive amounts of information, a crucial skill as life becomes more digital. Students should learn in ways that disregard traditional disciplines like English and math, instead focusing on real world problems that allow for crossover and interplay. The focus should be on providing student-centered experiences that bring out qualities in students that aren’t necessarily measurable. Students should learn to build and manipulate computers, not just use them. Perhaps most importantly students should be taught how to learn, especially since the content or specific skills needed in the future are as yet unknown."
The question is are we going to go beyond traditional Principles of Learning and create new ones that transform the Learning at ISHCMC and take teaching to a higher / different level? If you didn't watch this video from an earlier post now would be a good time because if you listen to what Logan emphasizes perhaps there is an important Learning Principle embedded in his thinking that we should be adopting.
Have a good Sunday,
See you at our meeting on Tuesday,
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