Saturday, April 30, 2016

Food for Thought: Marc Prensky's latest thinking about education

Dear all,

I hope you have a relaxing weekend planned for yourselves. It is another much deserved energy replenishing few days break.

Marc Prensky is very well known for introducing the terms digital natives and digital immigrant to educational communities. recently his thoughts have moved to the bigger picture of education and the what and how of creating a Plan B for schools.

Prensky believes that we must teach the world’s youth to become good, capable and world improving people by mastering effective thinking, effective action, effective relationships and effect accomplishment while finding and following their passion in symbiosis with evolving technology. 
Prensky explains this here  As you will note having watched the video and read the article many of the things that you are doing in your classrooms match Prensky's ideas.

Wishing you a good Liberation and Labour Day weekend,

Stay safe and relax,


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